Monday, August 11, 2014

Wow! talk about going off for a little nap. I have not been at my blog for several years...I hope to get going again. I still have some of the same goals. I just need to relearn how to add things to this site...I still am not very computer or tech savy.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 2010 -- Some Surprises

I was interviewed last Thursday, January 21st. by Kirk Johnson, New York Times reporter for an article he is going to write about Post Polio Syndrome.
I had volunteered a week or so before to tell my story and the story of my older brother to Becky Lloyd, a professor from the University of Utah who is gathering oral histories of Polio Survivors. She asked if she could give Mr. Johnson my name and allow him to interview me for a story he wanted to write. I said sure but I was quite nervous, not knowing just what he would ask.
He came mid-day with his photographer and they were here for about an hour and a half. Jim came home from work to be here also. The four of us sat around the kitchen table and chatted about Polio and how it had affected the lives of my brother and me.
John had Polio 10 years earlier than I did, and was left with very similar problems. He had damaged and weakened muscles and breathing difficulties. He died in 1987 at age 53 from Post Polio complications. Mr. Johnson asked many questions about our Polio history and what specific early memories I had of those days. He was also interested in my attitude and worries as I too began to have Post Polio complications similar to my brother. I am quite a talker and since I was nervous I rattled on and on.
His photographer clicked non-stop photos with his long lens camera. Since I am not used to the paparazzi ... it was a bit unsettling. I have a news clipping with a large photo of me in an iron lung at age three. They were very interested in that photo and had me hold it up. I was so nervous my hands were shaking. I could see the paper fluttering as I was trying to hold it still. The photographer took photo after photo of me holding it. I think he was hoping to get one that would not be too blurry.

This was an article to help promote the March of Dimes

Mr. Johnson said he was interviewing several people for the article so I do not know if my story and my brothers story will be mentioned in the final version. He did not say when his article would be published but, I do not expect it for a couple of weeks. I will be waiting with great curiosity.

Another, different incident happened in January 2010 that will make it a month for me to remember. I was not only interviewed by the New York Times reporter last week but, the week before that, I broke a bone in my foot. Lulu, my sweet little cat and I had a small but significant mid-room collision. She luckily, escaped without injury.
I thought I would get a lot of painting done since I can't drive or do much but, I find I need to keep the foot propped up quite a bit, or it gets aching. I have TV and reading to keep me busy. Jim is doing the shopping and tending me very well.
Luckily, the Australian Tennis Grand Slam, is on for two weeks and I love to watch tennis. I am filming the all night live games, and watching them the next day. Go Federer!!!
I am also reading in between the tennis matches. I ordered a pile of books from the library via computer and Jim brought them home to me. I am up for any really good reads you can suggest.
I just finished ...The Glass Castle.... by Jeannette Walls, very very interesting. I could hardly lay it down.
I have about 6 to 8 weeks left to wear the giant black Velcro shoe...very stylish.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Art For The Family

The paintings to choose from are the ones that follow. There are 29 listed. These all are finished and have frames or could hang without frames.
(some have painted sides -- they do not need frames but can have them if you wanted them. I have some both ways in my house)

I have noticed that some of the images are not very bright. I think the oil paintings especially reflect back the light and no not show their colors very well in the photos.

Also.... I can't get the lines off this piece of writing. I hope you can read it....

1.. Summer Muse -- 11X 14 -- Acrylic -- Gold Frame

2.. White House in Fairview -- 11 x 14 -- Watercolor -- White Mat - Dark Frame

Barn and Tan -- 20 x 24 -- Acrylic -- No frame needed, wrapped and painted sides

4.. Flora and Fauna Muse -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Black Frame

5.. Spring Flower Muse -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Black Frame

6.. Evening Muse -- 24 x 20 -- Acrylic -- No frame, sides painted

Mountain Stream with Pines study -- 14 x 18 -- Acrylic -- No frame, sides painted (sometimes I use J. in my signature)

8.. White Lilacs -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Silverish Frame

Mountain Snow -- 14 x 18 -- Acrylic -- No frame, painted sides (sometimes I use J. in my signature)

10.. Meadow Path with Autumn Tree -- 14 x 18 -- Acrylic -- No frame sides painted

Stream in Blue -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Gold Frame

Three Houses -- 16 x 20 -- Watercolor -- White Mat -- Black Frame

13.. Red Barn -- 14 x 18 -- Acrylic -- Dark Frame

14.. Geese -- 16 x 20 -- Watercolor -- White Mat-- Black Frame

15.. The Lioness and Her King -- 16 x 20 -- Watercolor -- Cream Mat -- Black Frame

16.. Horse Pasture -- 16 x 20 -- Watercolor -- White Mat -- Dark Frame

17.. Color Landscape -- 14 x 11 -- Acrylic -- Silverish Frame

18.. Lace Curtains -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Dark Frame

Aspens -- 10 x 8 -- Acrylic -- Gold Frame with White Linen inset (sometimes I use J. in my signature)

20.. White House in the Trees -- 16 x 20 -- Oil -- Deep Redish Frame

Orange Roof -- 14 x 18 -- Oil -- Dark Redish Frame with gold inset

Across Sage Valley -- 16 x 20 -- Oil -- Black Frame

23.. Flowers in Color -- 16 x 20 -- Oil -- Deep Redish Frame

24.. Two Trees Near Front Mt. -- 16 x 20 -- Oil -- Dark Frame

Sheep in the Pasture -- 16 x 20 -- Acrylic -- Dark Frame (J. West is an art signature name I sometimes use)

Two Trees at the Stream -- 24 x 20 -- Acrylic -- Dark Frame (J. West is an art signature name I sometimes use)

27.. Color Tree Lane to Little White House -- 16 x 20 -- Acrylic -- Dark Frame ( J. West is an art signature name I sometimes use)

28.. Little Red House with White Fence -- 11 x 14 -- Acrylic -- Gray Frame (J. West is an art signature name I sometimes use.)

29.. White House with Tall Trees -- 14 x 18 -- Acrylic -- Gold Frame

If you find one you like, let me know. If possible give me 2 or 3 choices. People often like the same ones. I will try to give it to the first one who chooses it.

Use my regular e-mail or call me.

Love, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from both of us.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Landscapes about Pinetrees or Streams

One of my neices asked me to make a card for her with pinetrees or streams on it. I have painted a few paintings in the past with pinetrees and streams/rivers on them. I though I would post them so she could see if these are ones they might like. If so, I will make a card or a copy of it for her.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Winter scenes that I may use for a Christmas card

Here are some winter scenes that might make a good Christmas card. They are from the past 4 or 5 years and most are in watercolor but, a few are acrylic or oil.